We are located in the Prince of Wales Public Hospital on the second floor of the Campus Centre Building. The closest entrance is the Barker Street entrance. Please feel free to call us if you need any assistance finding us.
Prince of Wales Hospital
Level 2, Campus Centre Building
Barker St, Randwick NSW 2031
Ph: 02 9382 2113
Fax: 02 9382 2116

The POW Vascular Diagnostic Centre respects and upholds patient rights to privacy protection under the Australian Privacy Principles contained in The Privacy Act 1988 (Cwth) as amended. These principles govern the standards and obligations around:
The collection, use and disclosure of personal information
The rights of individuals to access and correct their personal information
The quality and security of your data
You may access our Privacy Policy at any time while at The POW Vascular Diagnostic Centre. You can also contact our Privacy Officer via this website.
At your first appointment, you will be asked to sign a form, giving us permission to collect your personal information. Our reception team will be happy to answer any questions.
A confidential file will be kept by the POW Vascular Diagnostic Centre. Routinely, information about your attendance will be forwarded to your referring doctor and/or local doctor and may also be sent to other health professionals involved in your care.